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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Hip flexor stretch
Hip flexors are the muscles which attach to the front of the hip, and when tight, cause forward tilt/rotation of the pelvis which can...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Child's pose - back pain relief
This simple stretch is commonly used in yoga and helps stretch the muscles in the back, as well as the hips, quads and ankles. It helps...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Nerve floss for sciatica
This exercise can be introduced into a care plan for sciatic nerve inpingement (the nerve which exits the low back and runs through the...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Piriformis stretch; for that pain in the butt!
The piriformis is a muscle located near the buttock, and can be prone to getting tight and inflamed. Why is it an important muscle? The...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Bird dog endurance exercise
Your muscles provide a stabilising role to your spine and surrounding joints. Weak core muscles mean your spine has to endure more load...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Exercise for lumbar disc herniation:
This exercise aims to help centralise symptoms for those suffering with sciatica type pain from the legs to the back. Most lumbar (low...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Two low back pain relief exercises:
Here are two simple exercises I like to prescribe for low back pain relief, also useful for some sciatica or disc related issues...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Treating Plantar Fasciitis
A common condition affecting the sole of the foot, most commonly at the heal. The tendon and fascia (layer of tissue) become...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Lifting object safely
A high percentage of back injuries are reported after lifting and carrying objects, not always very heavy. Why is this? This is because...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
How to stand properly from a seated position.
One of the most common problems I hear from patients visiting me in clinic with back pain are; "it feels worse or is aggravated by...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Hip flexor stretching!
Your hip flexors are a group of muscles reponsible for keeping your hips and low back stable, strong and flexible. Tight or weak hip...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Hamstring Stretch
Tight hamstrings are extremely prevalent in a lot of people, and completing a simple stretch or two a day can help reverse or prevent...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Bags and upper body discomfort!
Neck, shoulder and back pain is extremely common and there are many reasons for why people suffer with it. One of those reasons is due to...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Foam roller for tight muscles
Foam rollers are extemely good for providing a deep tissue massage and releasing some of those tight spots within your muscles. It helps...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Cat-Camel exercise
The Cat-camel stretch is a really effective exercise for your back, and has brilliant outcomes for those with mid to low back pain. It...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 10, 20191 min read
Cold vs Heat post injury.
Ice therapy is used to decrease inflammation and speed up the inflammatory process. An Inflammatory response occurs immediately post...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 10, 20191 min read
Pec stretch
This stretch mainly works the minor division of the pec muscle. The pec muscles are usually tight in those that have upper cross posture...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Dec 10, 20191 min read
How to relieve muscular knots yourself!
This video shows you how you can self treat those tight spots in your muscles, also known as trigger points. All you need is a little...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Apr 27, 20181 min read
Exercise for upper body tension relief!
A nice & quick stretch that you can do to help improve your posture and release those tight muscles that are causing your rounded...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Apr 27, 20181 min read
Sleep position and the effects on neck pain!
Neck pain and stiffness is extremely common and can be caused by trivial things such as the way you sit in the day and sleep at night....
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Apr 27, 20181 min read
Upper trapezius stretch for neck and shoulder pain relief
This month we're focussing on the upper back, neck and shoulder. Trigger points are tight spots within a muscle and one of the most...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Apr 27, 20181 min read
Desk posture
Do you find that you feel achy or tight in your upper region of your body after sitting at a computer for a long period of time? It's...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Apr 27, 20181 min read
Your back is most vulnerable first thing in the morning!
Your back is at it's most vunerable state first thing when you wake up. This is due to your discs being fully hydrated and at their...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Apr 27, 20181 min read
Bird-dog exercise for core extensor strengthening
Your muscles provide a stabilising role to your spine and surrounding joints. Weak core muscles mean your spine has to endure more load...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Apr 26, 20181 min read
Dead bug exercise for core lumbar flexor endurance strengthening.
Your muscles provide a stabilising role to your spine and surrounding joints. Weak core muscles mean your spine has to endure more load...
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Jordan Frias-Metcalfe
Apr 25, 20181 min read
Side-bridge exercise for lumbar lateral flexor endurance strengthening
Your muscles provide a stabilising role to your spine and surrounding joints. Weak core muscles mean your spine has to endure more load...
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